Sunday, August 26, 2007

Leadership Models

In class we've been looking at a variety of leaders and leadership styles. I'd like you to check out at least one more well-known leader from the list below.

Steve Jobs one of the original founders of Apple Computers

Sergey Brin and Larry Page the founders of Google or go here

Meg Whitman President and CEO of eBay
After reading the article about the leader, decide on the characteristics of their leadership style that you find most unusual or interesting.


Anonymous said...

the summer reading i had read was A LONG WAY GONE BY ISHMAEL BEAH it was an excellent book because it showed me that people has a harde life out their and you don't know but i like every detail he put in the story and the way he told his life...

Anonymous said...

I read about steve jobs.I like how he said ''The only way to do a good job is to do what you do.'' I think if you love wat you do then you will make a great leader just like him!

Anonymous said...

I read the article about Oprah Winfrey and i would like to say that some of her characteristics include being a strong woman, building up her high self esteem, and she is one of the most richest, powerful woman in the world who has a very generous and caring side in her. One thing unusual about her is that she did not take a business course or read any business books to get at the level she is at today in her life. the interesting part i found out about her is that as a young child she felt discriminated working for white people.

Anonymous said...

the person i chose was Meg Whitman and she seemed like a good leader because she is thorough in her decision making and she is very trustworhty and she also seems good because she is a woman and you usually here about men runing big company's and its nice to read about a woman as a leader. i like how it said that she can't expect viewers to come to the websites but she can try to make it better.

Anonymous said...

the person i've read about was Oprah. I think she's a great leader because she has a very powerful voice in this society, even though she's a woman. She had helped out alot of people through their hard times and i think that is just way cool

Anonymous said...

i think that ebey is a good sight because it made so much money and it is so popular because how people get what they want at th sight makes it good..

Anonymous said...

I read the article on Steve Jobs. He is a very different leader form all the other people. For example he started his leadership when he first built an apple computer, in his garage. He also dropped out of college, and he inspired a generation of rebellious start ups. This shows that Steve Jobs was a leader for his kind of people, and now he is one for a much larger group of people.

Anonymous said...

Well I read the WHOLE article on Steve Jobs and a few characteristics of his are that he is very "passionate" about his work, dedicated to his craft, humble in his lifestyle, and just an all around hard worker. He started his career in a garage and turned that into a multi-million dollar franchise. Steve Jobs is a leader by example that inspires a generation of new thinkers to create their own *wending* path in society and one day become an iconic entrepenuer such as himself.

HAHA!! I sounded hella serius wit dat. n e wayz, uh, dina if u wanna challenge me to a blog-off ill b watin.


Anonymous said...

i read the article on Oprah Winfey, and i have to say that is a great leader. She worked so hard, and she suceeded. I think she is a very good leader and has a powerful mind on things. She has a powerful voice that that will be heard. She also got that way by also looking up to other leaders that were also sucessful.

Anonymous said...

I read the article about ebay. I think that ebay is a really good site because it makes alot of money, and it can help people buy whatever they want to buy.

Anonymous said...

I read the article about ebay and it has benefitted everyone and will continue to benefit for the rest of our lives

Anonymous said...

I read the article about Oprah Winfrey, ans I think that the characteristics that makes her a good leader, is being able to understand struggle, because she struggled as a young girl growing up in Mississippi, and having to work at such a young thing. I also thing that she is able to let people help her become a better person, but still thinks about her thoughts on the situation. She is also a brave woman, because being one of the most richest women in the world, is not an easy thing, baggage comes with it, and what her baggage is filled with loving for people that don't have as much as she has, giving anyone who ask advice, and just living to learn and learning to live.

Anonymous said...

i chose steve jobs because it's cool how he invented the 1st apple computer in a garage. i say if he can create something that big in a garage then so can i. that is why he is such an awsome leader. he is a leader for the kids my age that think they have nothing going for them, but little do they know that they can be a leader in a posotive way.

Anonymous said...

Meg Whitmans style of leadership is interesting and also very creative to me. She does not boss people around and has more laid back ways of controlling her massive company.

"Don't assume you know more than the marketplace or community--because you don't."

That quote from her was probably the best leadership skill she has because in saying that shes saying that basically the customer is always right and that you should please them, after all they are buying from you. She's also making it so there is less arguements.

Anonymous said...

I read about Oprah Winfrey and I really appreciate her a lot. She obviously proved that black people can also stand an important place among the society full of white people. Her bravery to work with white people, her leadership in order to build up a successful company and all that make her a very wealthy and strong woman, which today pretty few black people can have the ability follow her footsteps.

Anonymous said...

I read about Oprah. I think she is powerful not becuase she has a lot of money, but because she is always trying to help others. She is a very stong person and she stands up for what she thinks is right. It's funny becuase knowing how she was treated when she was younger...and look at her now.

Anonymous said...

i read about steve jobs. jobs is an intelligent, and inspiring person who inspires people to go and do a job that they love to do. the interesting thing is that he dropt out of college and still became rich by building a computer out of his garage. i think he’s a great leader to people who wont to start their own business or build something.

ChingBHenry3 said...

I read three of the stories and i would have to say that they all have similar ways of leading...Steve Jobs: He encourages readers
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do."
Oprah: She is an amazing woman, the fact that she grew-up in poverty really stood out to me on top of the fact that now she is worth 1.4 Billion dollars; not to mention that she sounds like she has a good sense of humor(from the Q&A.)
Meg Whitman: "Meg Whitman leads by not leading, bosses by not bossing, and manages by not managing." This to me is the example of a great, great leader and person, it say to me that she is a laid-back type of person and is a lot of fun.
They all to me are not the
"Regina type" to me they are like Lance Armstrong, fair to their "people" and are not vain towards themselves.

Anonymous said...

I read the article on Oprah Winfrey, first off, she's amazing. She has the wilpower to change the world to what she thinks is best in our society. She's such a strong and giving person, and is always helping others. I was a little shocked to find out, however, that she didn't have any business background; she did not read one book, or take any course on the subject. Look to what she has come to. She proves to everyone that you can do whatever you set your mind to, with just a little perseverance.

Anonymous said...

i read about Oprah Winfrey and i think that she is a wonderful influence. she has faith in herself and everyone around the world. have you seen what she has done for people? it's amazing. she is a wonderful leader because she has the confidence that everything can be better then it is (and that she can help make it better), and that there is more to this world then money and fame. Oprah Winfrey is a strong independent individual and i think everyone should look up to her.

Anonymous said...

oprah winfrey had inspire people so much because of how her mentality overcomes of how people think of her and not also that she is a millionair because of the novels she wrote makes her the best as a talk show.

shout out foe jfaumuina and d from meshone and my best friend mrs.henry

Marshallhenry2 said...

I read about Steve Jobs, I find it inspiring that a person, drops out of college, prooves fallieur to everyone, and rises above the label. Actully far above it.

Anonymous said...

i just read about oprah winfrey and i think that even though she was born in missippi poor, she is a strong person and i'm inspired that she is a good role model to emulate

Anonymous said...

I read the article about Steve Jobs. I think he is a very smart and intellengence leader. I was kind of shoke by that he built the first Apple computer in his carage. Also he has the leadership to cause people to do things they never do before, this means that how other people want to do whatever he wants and he is a very good leader.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I read about Oprah Winfrey it's surprizing a girl born in poverty in Mississippi can be such a success. She inspires people to do things that they wouldn't normally do. I like the way Meg Whitman doesn't boss around people shes the type of leader that takes advice from people that work for her like what we discussed about in class about Lance Armstrong.

Anonymous said...

I read the article about Oprah because of her reputation. I wanted to read about her. I would have never guessed that someone like Oprah would have come from a childhood of poverty, deprevation, and isolation. I guess that Oprah's story is just one more testament to how people can rise themselves above and beyond what is expected from them with hard work and determination. That anything is possible if you set your mind to it.

craftdhenry3 said...

i read about oprah winfrey and i was surprised that she gave credit to Bill Cosby for getting her career off the ground. i was also pleasantly surprised that she said that she wasn't good at coming up with good ideas, and that she's just good at building on them because i always thought of her as a charismatic woman who listens to her conscience rather than an intelligent woman and apparently she agrees.

Anonymous said...

I just finished reading about Meg Whitman. Whitman, from what I've read, is a strong leader who seems to know exactly what shes doing and is a hard worker. She doesn't take advantage of the power she has and she uses it to better help the company. She is the type to work with her co-workers instead of trying to control them. She is open to all sorts of advice and is always looking for other ideas from everyone and finds their information useful.

Anonymous said...

i read about oprah winfrey because i think ive seen her face somewhere and i was interested to know more about her, i was surprise at first she was poor but today shes a role model for everyone. It showed that people can change their lifes, doesnt matter your color or race. everything is up to you, also shes a great and strong voice

Anonymous said...

i just finished reading the article about Oprah Winfrey and what i think is great about her is that she just decided to go at something new even though it was going to be a challange. But she did say shes a woman with instinct and i think think shes became a leader off of showing that shes a strong woman with power but has a nice caring side to her for people. I think its great that she has her own talk show for people and to me people seem to look up to her because of her talk show. thats what makes her such a successful leader.

CapEnglish3-4 said...

The Leadership Blog is now closed for points.

Anonymous said...

i read about steve jobas and i think that if it wasnt for him making the computer in his garage than others wouldnt have been able to perfect from it.