How many of you are watching "Kid Nation"? The episode this past week was called, "Hungry for Fresh Meat". If you've missed the show, click on the link to either watch the full episode or video clips from this episode. If you don't have a fast computer connection, you can still read the 3 page 'full recap' of the episode.
After reading or viewing the episode, go to this short health article, "Meat, fish, eggs and Alternatives". Also read this article on children's dietary needs, "Children 'harmed' by Vegan Diets".
Now that you are armed with information about the importance of protein in a diet, consider the following questions:
Did the boys in LOTF have options for protein sources? Has Jack's pursuit of a pig for meat been an obsession or a valuable goal? Is Ralph's leadership failing because he values his goal of rescue for survival over Jack's goal of protein for survival? Or, is Jack using the desire for 'meat' as an excuse to pursue his violent/evil desires? Post your comments now.
not realy the only thing they hade in protein was fish like it said in the article.i think it is a valuable goal because if i was jack i would do the same thing.no i dont think so because jack has i better because i wold try to survive than think about getting rescued.no he is not.
The boys in LOTF I think do have options for protein sources. They barely have enough meat to give out to the "littluns" just by killing a pig so they can at least eat some edible plants or vegetables that grow on this island. Jack's pursuit of a pig for meat can be an obsession since they don't know what else to eat or even know what edible plants are, at this young age. Yes, I think Ralph's leadership is failing not over Jack's goal of protein for survival, but for thinking so much about home that he forgets to do his job, which is being chief and telling them what to do to survive. Jack is using the desire "meat" as an excuse to pursue his violent/evil desires because this is what his personality is like. Meat is a high biological protein and men should have 55.5g of proteins a day. Even a U.S. scientist from the Agiculture Research Service, Lindsay Allen, says that "These children grew more and performed better on problemsolving and intelligience tests when you don't have them on vegan diets." These children did not eat only vegetables, which is fine, but should be combined with dairies like meat. Therefore, the boys should eat some plants or vegetables so that they can have the proteins they need in a whole meal.
The boys in LOTF did have an option of protein sorces they could of just ate the fruits all day or help get the pig but half of them wanted the pig and half of them just wanted him to stop. i think Ralphs leadership skill are failing because he is to concered with Jacks problem. The oursuit of pig to jack is no longer to help his group it is for his own joy to kill things now.
the only options that the boys have on the island is to eat fruit and hunt pig. it said in the second aricle that having little protein can effect your development and escpecially women because the study says that they will have slower children. i thin for jack before it was an goal now it is more of an obsession because he has already accomplished that goal and is really using it a a form of evil to have that feeling of killing something. ralph's leadership may be failing because of not wanting pig, but the other boys will probably realize that being rescued is better.
I agree with wat lujan said. They need their protein and its good that they are eating fruit and pig. Jack is definately getting out of control with the whole pig hunting thing, he is crazy about it. Ralph needs to man up because when the boys need him most he seems to fail and fall under the pressure.
i think the boys didn't have a option of the protein because in a jungle you can't really find any good food or meat especially in the jungle. it says that if childrens don't eat meat the will have problems with themselves. also the boys don't have another thing to eat of meat and there tried with eating the same foods. All childrens should eat meat even though they don't like it.
Is Ralph's leadership failing because he values his goal of rescue for survival over Jack's goal of protein for survival? Or, is Jack using the desire for 'meat' as an excuse to pursue his violent/evil desires?
The boys in LOTF don't really have options for protein because the only meat they have on the island is pig. The kids in Kid Nation have kind of a variety because they have eggs and chickens. I think Jack's goal is just to impress all the boys on the island so they can make him chief or "the leader." He seems very obsessed with catching pigs though. I think Ralph's leadership is going down the drain because he somewhat lets Jack +hunters walk all over him and kind of boss him around just a bit. Ralph is very focused on the thought of them being rescused, just like that one kid was focused/trying to help out on getting the gold star. but he turned out to be disappointed because he didn't get it.
he boys should have both ralph and jack qualities cuz from the article i read KIDS such as the boys need all the proteins that can only be found and meat.Also from kid nation i
can see the kids enjoy the taste of meat better.But when your only hunting you get attatched to the island and probrably would never want to leave so you need to be well balanced
Yes they did have a lot of options. They had fish, coconuts, seeds, and a lot of plants which contains seeds, and fruits, and pther protein so the boys could have gotten protein from other things instead of the pigs. I think it is an obsession because he can get protein from other sources, and he is always talking about hunting pigs. He could be doing something else important like, building shelters or trying to keep the fire going. No because it is important that they get rescued but its failing because Jack is too strong, and everyone is shifting towards Jacks side, and want to do what he does, he is also very intimidating to the other kids. Ralph's goal of rescue is more important than Jack's goal of going after the pigs. Yes because that is all he wants to do now because they are away from civilization, and he even says how he wants to kill something.
the boys dont have much source of protein, the pig of course &possibly fish. but they can also eat the fruit on the island. i think over time jack's wanting to kill the pig has become an obsession; maybe that's his way of letting his anger out. it also seems like he's obsessed with the killing of the pig, to show everyone how brave and courageous he is- when reality, he's just turned into a savage. the other boys may see ralph lacking leadership qualities, only because he actually has goals &as important as the mean/protein is, risking that may lead them into a greater success- being rescued. ralph is also letting jack take the upperhand. he's letting him take over, and isn't putting a stop to that.
My Answers:
#1. Yes the boys in LOTF did have other options than pork as their protein. But the thing is that i dont believe that they should be so dependant on the pig.
#2. Jack's pursuit of a pig for meat been an obsession and a valueable goal to me. I say obsession because of him human instinct for violence, and i say valueable goal because since they arrived on the island his goal has been to be superior to everyone else.
#3. I think Ralph's leadership is failing because Jack is using the desire for meat as an excuse to pursue his violent/evil desires and thats effecting the whole group of kids to turn from Ralph.
I think the boys in LOFT did have some options for protein. They had fish,and maybe vegetables they can find on the island. I think jack's idea of wanting to kill the pig is more of a worriness of not eating food like he usually does, and he might also want to kill the pig because he has to much anger from Ralph, Piggy and so on. i don't think Ralph is loosing his leadership qualities i just think Ralph is more thought out than jack. Ralph is tired of being a savage and if thats the life that everyone wants to live on than Ralph will let them go right ahead theres no reason to stop them.
The boys had fish, fruit, coconuts, and vegetables to eat on the island. There was no real need to have to kill a pig for food. Jack's pursuit for meat has been an obsession because killing the pig would give him power and respect among the others. It would enhance his leadership ablility if he were to do something that none of the other boys had done. Ralph's leadership is begining to fail a little because the boys are so caught up with their savage lifestyle that they are forgeting about home and the possibility of rescue. So the boys are looking to Jack as more of a leader because he is supporting their new lifestyle, where Ralph isn't. I also think that Jack is using the desire for meat as an excuse to unleash his violent desires.
The Boys in LOTF had a variety of things to eat like fish, fruit, vegetables and coconuts. They really didn't know that plants were edible and they let the killing of the pig get to they're heads. They didn't have to kill the pig because they were obsessed with it that they forgot about the other variables they could've eaten. I think its wise to let killing a pig get to your head because if I were Ralph I would think about about getting rescued because it drives him to work harder to achieve his goal and I would do the same thing.
I think the boys in LOTF have many options to choose from to get protein in their system. But they only choose to get meat for their bodies because they don't even noe what kind of plants or vegetables that are edible to eat that has protein on the island. Also Jack does have an obsession to keep getting meat for the boys because i think maby he feels strong and evil plus bravery when he catches the pigs for everybody. Ralf is especially showing that his leadership is failing because hes always thinking about going home and isnt being a responsible chief by doing his job, keeping everybody in line including Jack. But i also think that Jack is using his desire for "meat" to show that he can be violent and evil because thats just how he chooses to be and shows it off by trying so hard to catch a pig. It says in one of the articles that men need 55.5g of protein a day and it makes up 15% of our bodies. This shows that the boys and the littleuns' are deffentaly not getting enough protein and It's not a healthy diet.
I don't really think that the boys in LOTF really do have options for protein sources because their trying to survive on food that can keep them from starving, otherwise they may not know much about proteins. For example they are mostly eating on the high biological value of foods such as the pig and fish they kill and few of low biological values such as the fruits from the trees. Though you are recommended that protein makes up 10 to 15 percent of your diet, the boys may not even have enough for everyone so they have no choice in what to eat if they need to keep everyone out of hunger. In the beginning of Jack becoming a hunter, I think that the killing of the pig was both an obsession and a valuable goal; an obsession to kill, and the goal to prove to Ralph that he can kill a pig for everyone to survive. I do think that Ralph's leadership is failing because his values and goals of rescue, because to be rescued you need to survive... and to survive you still need to live off what you have and need to head. As time goes, Jack begins to use the desire for 'meat' as an excuse to pursue his violent and evil desires because you can tell when he makes comments such as using a "littlun" for fun.
i think the boys in LOTF have alot of potions on the island. they can eat fruit and other plant like resources found in the jungle.they have a whole jungle to look for, they should use it wisely. on one hand i dont think he's obsessed and on the other hand i think he is. i think he is, because that is all he cares about is cathing that pig, he doesnt care about anything else execpt catching that pig. Also i dont think he is, because if i were standed on an island i would want some meat too. i would get tired of eating fruit all th time. for example, the kids from kid nation liked it when they were eating the fresh meat. i think it his leadership is failing, because they both have different opinions and when they do there's always a controversy. and when there's a controversy there's always a struggle on who should be the leader and who should have power as the leader. i think he is using meat as an excuse, because he is always talking about wat bad things he's goin to do to the littluns.
I think that the boys in LOTF do have options for protein and at the same time they don't. They do have meat and fruits but at the same time it may not be enough. When Jack kills the pig i think its an obsession and a valuable goal because he can't get the fact of killing the pig and becoming a hunter out of his mind and a goal because at first when trying to kill the pig he does not succeed. The pig is another way of him proving himself.I think Ralph's goals are failing because he has a different state of mind now.The boys are still happy with no adults and Ralph is now wanting to be rescued. I think the boys see that and they probably don't see him as the same anymore more. Jack does use the pig as evil because he even thinks about teasing the little kids like they are the pigs.
Yes, they could have gotten fish, plants, fruit, nuts, and eggs. I think it’s both; I think he really wants to hunt the pig, and its valuable to him because it keeps him in shape and has good protein. Kind of, if Ralph was stricter and kept everyone in shape and made them do what they’re supposed to then he wouldn’t have a problem; jack just loves to hunt and is a little crazy when it comes to hunting.
They just have pig's meat as a source of protein. Jack's pursuit of a pig for meat is an obsession because that's the only thing he talked about and it is also the only thing he enjoyed to do. Ralph's leadership is failing because not for Jack but for himself, he is not doing his job as he should, and that's making problems in the crew. Jack is using his desire of meat as an excuse to pursue his violent desires but is also helping surviving to all the crew, he and his hunters are giving meat to everybody so anybody can't moan about that.
I think that the boys in Lord of the Flies have many sources of protein, like pig, fish, nuts and things like that.Its great that Jack is always willing to hunt for pigs, however, i think it has become an obcession. He does it to prove himself as a better leader, since he always seems to be "competeing" with Ralph. Jack has become a savage and uncivilized, so acting this way has become a way of life, not so much for survival. I think Ralph's leadership is failing because he is constantly getting on peoples cases about how they are going to get off the island. yes, thats a good idea, but they need to figure out a way to survive on the island before they worry about getting off of it.
In the story, I think that Jack wants to kill a pig is for his desire of happiness of killing. And also after Ralph has try to hunt, he also likes it. However this cannot change Ralph's thought of getting rescue from someone. I think that Jack does not want to get rescue at all, this is because every time Ralph talks about getting rescue, Jack will mention about getting meat from hunting. This shows that Jack is evil as a devil.
In the story of Lord Of The Flies....I remember when Jack was saying that he next time when they play the game , they would play for real. Then Roger said "yeah and lets have a pig and well it shows that Jack was serious that they were going too use one of the "littluns" shows that he is not respectedful and kind.
the boys in LOTF have a few options for protein. obviously the fish and the pigs. the vegetables and fruit probably have a couple grams of protein.
i believe jack's pursuit for a pig is a valuable goal, but it's not the most important thing. i believe they would be better off going after fish. a little bit of mercury wouldn't affect them. plus they would get more omega 3 fatty acids, which helps the brain interms of thinking, memory, and focus. pig has alot of saturated fat, so they should eat that in moderation. no matter what they do, they probably won't be able to reach their daily needs; especially the biguns. they'll need anywhere from 50-100 grams a day. the article said 55.5, but you have to take into account that 1: these aren't men, and 2: the article is calculating the needs of the average man, and nowadays, the average man is very sedentary, sitting on his ass all day watching football games. these kids from kid nation and LOTF are very active, working hard every day, so their protein needs will be higher than the average man because their muscles are working hard and thus need more protein for recovery.
Ralph's leadership isn't failing for any of the reasons mentioned. it is simply because jack is there.
getting protein is important, but getting rescued is the most important thing because they can have all the protein and pig they want after they're rescued.
at the same time, i also believe that jack is using the pig to fulfill his appetite to kill. this way jack kills two birds with one stone(literally).
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