Today a 99 page document on the reading habits of Americans was released by the National Endowment for the Arts. For this report the authors looked at 40 reading studies completed in the past 4 years and then analysed the data to come to their conclusions. Some of those conclusions are eye-opening.
Begin by reading the 2-page Washington Post article. Then click on the link to the full 99 page report in the second sentence of the article. Once the pdf file opens, read pages 16-20 entitled, "The Declines in Reading Have Civic, Social, and Economic Implications".
Post your comments about both the Post article and the section from the actual report. How will your future income opportunities be affected by your reading habits? Maybe Mrs. Henry's Outside Reading requirement is good for you after all.
Reading this article made me surprised beacuse I never really had the time to think or even realize how important reading really is. Having good reading skills can be able to help you have high earnings and more jobs out there available which can help benefit your own life. This quote was spoken by Giovia, "Because they read less well, they do more poorly in school, in the job market and in civic life." I agree with this quote because it is true. Everyones future income oppurtunities do affect and depend on anyone's reading habits. This is why I think that my future income oppurtunities will be affected by my reading habits depending on how much I read. Since Mrs. Henry has assigned book reports, we are forced to read many books. I am happy to be reading books because my future would be heading on the right path.
Reading this article made me think that reading really important in our lifes everyday now. we all have to be smart of reading because when you read you learn new things and read faster when practicing reading.
i think its really alarming how many people do not read once they become older. you would think that if people were reading more, they would know that it would help them get a better chance of a job. i like to read out of enjoyment because i think reading helps us all explore our minds more to what we like and what do we want to do in our lives. i like how giovia said how everyone teaches children to read, but when they become a teenager they fall from not reading and in later life they do not have a successful life. not reading will effect achieving the dreams you want. there are so many famous and successful people that show us if they read and stopped, would they be successful? reading is important for your present and future so read.
When I read this article it surprised me because i thought if you know how to read, then you dont have to keep reading to learn. I learned the more you read the more vocabulary you get, and it also gives you more knowledge in things, so the more you read the more you learn. If you have good reading skills it also helps you to get a job because many employers like to employ smart people.To read or not to read? I'd say to read.
I am amazed that people dont read much. To be honest i dont like to read eather but thats because it dosnt interest me that much. I always saw reading to be a way to build vocab and a way to learn new words and other stuff. If i find a book that really intrests me ill start to read it alot... the book i really liked was "The 10th grade" because it was based on real life it actully taught me alot of diffrent words and how the authers life might have been like.
now i understand why english teachers have you read so much.because it turns out that even if you barley made your reading level you wont be getting paid high enough to make a high amount off money.reading this makes me want to read more because i know in the future it's gonna get me well paid.
To me i think that reading is a way to learn vocab words learn expand knowledge but not everyong likes to read sometimes they just read for a book report but if you read on your own time like the summer then you can keep up with your age groups and all this reading will help you on test gates and all that which will get you a better education which will do you good in life like in the article emplys and there skills you can be the man in charge
Reading this aritcle really shows me the distractions that we get from reading. The culture that we live in makes us want to do something else because we are getting small attention spans. With all these movies that we have coming out and all the games that we have makes us much rather see excilerating things then reading. At the same time people are more busy with there lives with more homework and stress related problems
This article is really true. I really didn't think about how much reading levels affect our lives. You need to read well in order to get good jobs and understand the paperwork you are given when your older. I like the quote that says,""When you hit adolescence," Iyengar said, "there's generally less parental control." Peer pressure gets much stronger, and the culture offers "numerous distractions away from reading." i believe this to be very true.Some kids think its uncool to read, or you'll be concidered a loser. That shouldn't be the case. Reading gives you a great advantagein life, and really, you can't get anywhere in life without it.
When I finished reading the article, I am shock by the fact that the Americans don't read as much as I thought. This is because I don't like to read that much because I am not very good at English and they are pretty good at English so they should read more. However, the article mention about the reading test to test people if they read much or not. Well I think that it is useless to test out if the people read much or not, but it is very useful to test out their reading level.
This article was quite interesting. It shows me how important reading skill really are in the world after high school. Your reading skills determine what job oppertunaties and future income you will recieve. I can't believe how important something as reading really is. No one really gets that anymore.
After reading this article it made me feel ashamed that i was one of the 15-to-24-year-olds who spend just 7 to 10 minutes a day voluntarily reading.Although i do feel that since i have been attending the book seminars and having to read a book every couple months or so i have been reading more fluently and faster without mistake in my everyday reading material. And i'll have to admit Mrs. Henry's Outside Reading requirement is good for us after all.
the article above was mine. Didn't aciddentally clicked anonymous. published at 3:29.
That article made me realize how important reading is. Good reading skills can be able to help get a job "Because they read less well, they do more poorly in school, in the job market and in civic life.” Americans don't read as much as once they become older we are getting small attention spans. But reading helps us gain knowledge like vocabulary. Our reading is important for your present and future. Learning vocabulary words expands knowledge. knowledge now a days is power. Own time helps us socially and academically.
After reading this article it made me realize that reading is really important. At first, i thought reading books was just to help us with our vocabulary but that isn't the only reason. Other reasons are to actually help us out with whatever we'll be doing in the future. So basically, i believe this article is true and that everyone needs to read more. Im suprised that there isn't alot of people who doesn't read as they grow older though. I believe reading would effect us in a positive way because then we'll know more vocabulary & be able to pronounce it more, and when we talk to others we can talk more "professional" instead of using slangs. Im glad we get bookwrites from you and forced to read because then we wouldn't end up like the ones who barely read as they grow older. Reading more is actually helping me out now because now i can do better in other books and even essays and writing.
After reading both these articles i actually wasnt surprised at how long the percentages are of the reading scores and the amount people read in a day. With all the distractions that kids have now a days the only time they want to read is when they have to for school or something else, rarely out of enjoyment. People that do read more will be more knowledgeable because the more they read the more they learn and the more they widen their vocabulary.
This article really helped open my eyes to reality, and see whats ahead. It helped me notice that reading is not only there to grasp a wider range in my vocabulary, but it also showed me that reading will increase my chances in getting a good, well-payed job. I agree with all that it is saying, in that teenagers nowadays only care about what other people think. They focus on how to fit in, and not whats really important. Reading and gaining the knowledge you should be getting from it, will help determine where you'll end up later in life. It will teach you the skills you need, and help better you for the future.
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after reading both articles, i do think that there is a really noticeably drop in teenagers' reading percentage, i even do it myself, i used to read so many books when i was in elementary and junior high, but it's really different in high school, i tried to read, but i just can't, there are so many distractions, and with Mrs. Henry's reading requirements and how everyone's grades depends on it, really helps turn it around, i started reading more, and some of those books are actually really, really good
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