Saturday, February 02, 2008

Twilight by Stephenie Meyers

What has suddenly drawn Bella to choose Forks over Arizona? Is it just another example of her klutziness? Will this klutziness become a tragic flaw? What about her makes all the boys desire her? How will this lead to more jealousy and suspiscion?
Will it be possible for Edward to control his desires? his flaws? Who has more power in this relationship-Bella or Edward? How do Edward, Bella and Jacob manipulate each other to get what they desire? The Cullens appear to be the 'perfect' American family that has it all--looks, personality and money. How does this illusion both protect and hinder them? Everyone in this novel seems to be somewhat of an outsider. Is that just normal in high school today?

Start posting your comments to these questions and others you have about the thematic connects to Othello.

By the way, did you know the Twilight movie starts filming this month? Check out the choices for Bella and Edward. Do they match your images?


Anonymous said...

In the novel, "Twilight" how does the first 13 chapers how does it show jealousy? I dont understand who is jealous of who.

Anonymous said...

In the book, "Twilight" is Bella an outsider in the first 13 chapters? I Know Edward is because he's a vampire.

Anonymous said...


I think bella is an outsider because she is from Phoenix and she's going to California. She doesnt know anybody in the school and that makes me think Bella is an outsider.

Anonymous said...

Mike is jealous of Edward because Bella likes him and one of the girls at the table is jealous of her because the guy she likes asked Bella to spring dance.

Anonymous said...

In this book, Twilight, what would you say is Bella's traig flaw? would it be that even though it is wrong for her to go behind her dad's back and see edward? and also that Bella cant help that she is falling in love with Edward uncontrollably? im a little unsure what a traig flaw in a person is. help anybody?

Anonymous said...

This is for Lanes question: Lane i think Bella's tragic flaw is that shes so attched to Edward even though hes a vampire and how they BOTH cant get enough of each other. It doesnt seem to bother her that Edward is a vampire, she's still into him and thats weird to me.

hongyhenry7 said...

In "twilight", how does the literary feature symbol reveal the theme gender and power? and who has the most power in the novel?

Anonymous said...

In the novel, I think Edward has the most power over all. As much as Bella is in control, Edward has the most say in their relationship. Bella will be there for him no matter what, but since Edward is a vampire, he must choose between what he wants, and whats best for the both of them. Edward knows whats best and he knows when things are getting out of hand. Bella can't tell how Edward is feeling, only he himself can do that.

Anonymous said...


I think that Bella is still in control because they both like each other and she doesnt know that Edward is a vampire.

Anonymous said...

This is for Amany Salahs question;Yes, Bella is an outsider. Compare how the characters in the book treat Bella and the Cullens. I think the author is trying to say that being an outsider can play two roles like even though Bella is an outsider they accept her with open arms but with the Cullens they hesitate to even look their way. But anyways Bella, the Cullens, and Jacob are the outsiders.

Anonymous said...

To answer Lanes question; I agree with Chelsea. Bella is obssessed with Edward and because of that she spends all her time with him and doesn't bother to at least hang out with her other friends like Jessica or Angela. Another tragic flaw of Bellas could be how independent she is; She is so used to taking care of her mom and dad. Bella also says in the book, in the chapter right before she gets into the accident with Tyler, how she is not used to being taken care of and doesn't like the feeling.

Anonymous said...


Does anyone have any good quotes for exploitation? Also, besides the obvious, is there any manipulation? I know that Bella manipulated Jacob to get the story but is there anything else thats under the surface?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know any good quotes for jelousy/suspicion for diction?

Anonymous said...


I’ve read this book before, I can answer your questions just list down the chapters you’ve read and ill answer them every Monday ,Friday and Sunday .

Bella finds Forks dull. She always hated the ever-raining city as a child, and even referred to it in Twilight as her "own personal hell on earth". You can use twilight as diction and symbol.

Did you know:
The cover of twilight contains an apple.
Stephenie Meyer has stated that the apple on the cover represents the forbidden fruit from the book of Genesis. It symbolizes Bella's knowledge of what good is, and what evil is.
Genesis is the first book of the bible.

Anonymous said...


im confused because at first edward doesnt want to talk to bella right? but then wut made edward to talk to bella??? i think its on chapter 3-4

hongyhenry7 said...

For John Dee's question: Edward didn't talk to Bella at first because he knows that it's not good for both of them. He is dangerous for Bella and Edward wants to avoid Bella so he won't hurt her. But he started talking to Bella because he couldn't hide his feelings towards Bella anymore.

Anonymous said...


Why can't Bella learn to balance her social life?Why is she so obsessed with Edward?

CapEnglish3-4 said...

Breaking Dawn, the 4th book in the Twilight Series will release on August 2nd. Should I suggest it be a junior level summer reading book?

Anonymous said...

So far in the 16 chapers in Twilight what is a symbol? And yes i think the 4th book after twilight should be a summer reading.

CapEnglish3-4 said...

To Kristina,
Have you thought about the cars as symbols?

Anonymous said...


I think the 4th book would be good but still im still reading the first one. i can read the 4th one by summer. I suggest making that summer reading book

Anonymous said...

Heck yes you should assign Twilight's 4th novel as the summer reading! Haha :) But does anybody have any interesting quotes that I can use/relate to for Outsider? I know that Bella is an outsider because she is in a new school, and I know that Edward is an outsider because he is a vampire,.. anymore suggestions??

Anonymous said...


Yes!!!!Breaking Dawn should be made part of the summer reading!!Is Stephenie Meyer going to publish Edwards version of Twilight?I think that would be a hit also...

Anonymous said...


Christina: I agree with Mrs.Henry you can use the cars as symbols but also use the dialogue; For example, when Edward takes Bella to his sanctuary,the meadow, and he says to her and so the lion fell in love with the lamb. This is symbolizing many things in just that quote alone. You've got to look at the characters diction.

CapEnglish3-4 said...

I recently read that Stephenie Meyers is going to do a 10 city US tour for her adult novel, The Host. I'll try to find out if SF is one of them.

Anonymous said...

Vifa F. what does it symbolize? Is it kinda like forshadowing?

Anonymous said...

VIKA F. what does it symbolize? Is it kinda like forshadowing?

Anonymous said...


for vikas question: i think bella can balance her social likfe, she just choses not to. i think that if she becomes distant from edward she wont have a chance with him; to make the relationship work. also, i think that if she doesn't, jessica and/or angel will start to ignore her exsistance. like, they won't be willing to try to hang out with her if she isnt making an effort too. and i think bella sis so obcessed with edward because, like you said, she isnt used to people taking care of her and wanting to watch out for her. she likes how he treats heer, so bella is scared to leave him because then she wont be treated the same way by anybody else.

hongyhenry7 said...

Are there any symbols other than cars that show gender and power? Does Edward have more power because he can read peoples' minds? and yes i think you should have the 4th series of Twilight as one of the summer reading books.

Anonymous said...


In this novel, does bella manipulates and im kind of confuse whose doing the manipulating and exploitation??

hongyhenry7 said...

HELP! Does anyone have good quotes on characterization for gender and power?

Anonymous said...


This is for Rosie:
Here are some good quotes on jealousy and suspicion.
"I had no reason to be worried...but as I was strangely anxious..."(176). Edward here in this quote admits he was suspicious and worried for Bella.
"And then our server arrived, her face expectant. The hostess had deginitely dished behind the scenes, and this new girl didn't look disappointed. She flipped a strand of short black hair behind one ear and smiled with unnecessary warmth"(168). This quote reveals how jealous Bella feels about other women liking Edward even though at this point they aren't a couple and are barley friends.

Anonymous said...


Why can't Bella learn to balance her social life? Why is she so obsessed with Edward?

Edward is a special guy!! Lol He is different from the others, physically and mentally that’s why she’s crazy about him. As a human, Edward was very sensitive and really cute; he’s almost like the ideal guy! Perfect. Like Bella A HUMAN will fall into traps. She is overwhelmed by the fact that People taking care of and wanting to watch out for her does mean a lot. Bella likes how she is being treated. She can balance her social life; if she saw that there something really wrong with it.

Anonymous said...

Okay.for chapters 21-26, does anyone have any quotes on jealousy an suspicion on imagery and diction?

Anonymous said...


Okay even though Edward is the ideal guy, don't you think that Bella could still balance her social life and not throw it all away for Edward. Though Edward is freakin awesome. Also does anyone see Jacob as a threat? Towards Bella and Edwards relationship.

Anonymous said...

In Twilight would uany of you say that Jacob is an outsider?

Anonymous said...

in chapters 13-16 how does the literary feature characterization reveal the theme the outsider?

craftdhenry3 said...

i saw the pictures of the actors, and i have to say, they did not match the pictures in my head at all; nor did i expect them to. i expected the cullens to look more mysterious. i didn't really get that perception when i saw the picture. the picture of the actress playing Bella looked too serious. i perceived bella as a less serious person and a little more klutzy looking. what i mean by that is that all the klutzes i know seem to have similar characteristics. they generally seem happier; sometimes happy-go-lucky. not only that, they generally aren't very careful or cautious (that also has a characteristic look). if they were, they would have as many events such as tripping happen to them. sometimes you can judge a book by its cover. the actress doesn't look like a klutz.

Anonymous said...

For Amany, here are some quotes for characterization that I chose to use for outsider:

-“If I was too hasty…if for one second I wasn’t paying enough attention, I could reach out, meaning to touch your face, and crush your skull by mistake. You don’t realize how incredibly breakable you are. I can never, never afford to lose any kind of control when I’m with you” (310).
-“I can’t be sure, of course, but I’d compare it to living on tofu and soy milk; we call ourselves vegetarians, our little inside joke. It doesn’t completely satiate the hunger- or rather the thirst. But it keeps us strong enough to resist. Most of the time”(188).
-“I’ve never tried to keep a specific person alive before, and it’s much more troublesome than I would have believed. But that’s probably just because it’s you”(174).
If you have any ?'s, ask about them in spaanish! kbye

craftdhenry3 said...

i believe a possible reason that all the boys desire her is because they think that because Bella is klutzy, that she might also be a ditz. that being said, they might get the perception that she is easy. if she is easy, she won't resist as much and she might be facile to get with.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know what symbols I could use for chapters 19-24, that would focus on the theme of Outsider??

Anonymous said...


Are you studying the outsider?

Advise for people who are doing the outsider. Make sure that the outsider in Twilight makes a connection to Othello the character. This is because I think that the essay would be easier to write if your outsider you choose and Othello really connect. You should only focus on ONE outsider in twilight and Othello. Take note that the outsiders are outsiders not by choice. For example Othello is black and it wasn’t his choice to be that way. So Edward is a vampire it wasn’t his choice to be a vampire he just is.

Anonymous said...


In ch.17-20 what are some quotes that show characteriaztion and diction for jealousy??
Also what is a symbol so far in the novel?

Anonymous said...


does anyone know if edward has more power over bella or does bella have more powere over edward?
im confused on which person has more control of the other and more powerful, for gender and power.

Anonymous said...

Okay for the last four chapters in Twilight is there any really good quotes on jealosy or suspicion?i have found a few but i really cant seem to connect it kind of?

Anonymous said...

And does the Epiclogue count as a chapter becasue i found a few good quotes on suspcion but im not really sure if i can use it?


Anonymous said...

This is for chelsea:

I think that they have the same amount of power over each other because Edward has the strength to make Bella listen to him, but then Bella has the ability to make him listen to her by using her feminism skills!

Anonymous said...

Oh an for the last chapter do you think that Bella's mom and dad are suspicious of the Cullen's being something other then human?

Anonymous said...

So far, after reading most of the series, I think that Bella and Edward are meant to be. Can you just imagine the extra senses Bella could possibly get after turning into a vampire!Well thats if she does... Mrs. Henry says that Jacob is a threat to Edward and Bella's relationship. Also to Kristina the cars symbolize many things like how rich the Cullens are and also it can symbolize the Cullen's strengths; Fast and full power. There are many things the cars can symbolize you just have to dig deep and try and connect it with something more.

Anonymous said...

This is Chelsea and Rosie:

I agree with Rosie that the power is equal between them somewhat because Edward has the power to "dazzle" Bella and keep her on her toes, while Bella has the power to keep Edward curious and wanting to know more because Edward cannot read her mind. But, then again Edward has just a little bit more power than Bella because of the obvious reasons being a vampire and all; But also because Edward says in the book that he is more stronger because he would leave Bella if he had to for her safety. Who has more power? I think its almost a fair fight

Anonymous said...

I think that Charlie has always known something was up with the Cullen's, I just don't think he was really sure of himself. Did he even know about Jacob and his dad being werewolves? I would think that they would've told Charlie about their past and to warn him of Edward.. Her mom doesn't quite catch on with who they are, or should I say, what they are. She seems happy for Bella and who she's become and also with who she's surrounding herself with.

craftdhenry3 said...

i need help finding a thesis statement for Exploitation and Manipulation that links Twilight to othello. Somebody please help!

craftdhenry3 said...

i don't understand why Edward has so many problems getting close to Bella. i know he's not suppose to get close to Bella, being a vampire and all, but it still doesn't make alot of sense. maybe this should have been one of the original post questions

Anonymous said...

To Craft:

Edward has big problems of getting close to Bella because he doenst want to end up killing her or even changing her. He cares to much for her to do anytihing stupid enough to do that to her!That is why he has problems of getting to close to her!

hongyhenry7 said...

Are there any other symbols in the book besides the cars?

Anonymous said...


as Rosie said, Edward doesnt want to hurt Bella. he always has hard times when he's with her beacuse he doesnt want to hurt or kill her

Anonymous said...


i think Edward's eyes are a symbol. Not everyone's eyes can change like that. But also they change when he's in different moods.

Anonymous said...

Two other possible symbols could be the letter Bella wrote for Edward as she's getting ready to go face James, and this quote that Vika has already mentioned before, “And so the lion fell in love with the lamb……..”

Anonymous said...

Are there any other outsiders in this novel besides Edward and Bella? If so, how are they outsiders? Anybody wanna help? =)

Anonymous said...

For Hong:

I agree with Amany, Edwards eyes i think is a good symbol because it shows how Edward has two sides to him and that his hazel/light brown color shows his calmer side. While his black color shows his anger and dark side!

Anonymous said...

For christina:

I think the other outsiders in the book are Jacob and his dad!Even though there not mentioned in the book that much, but when Jacob told Bella the story between them and the Cullens, it shows how they have to limit seeing each other and other people!That being said thee are not able to converse with people other then on their reservation!

craftdhenry3 said...

To Christina:

Bella's mother and father are also outsiders because they have no idea what's going on. Bella tricks her father at the end of the book when she tells him that she broke up with Edward and she doesn't want to stay in Forks anymore. James also tricks Bella into thinking her mother was in danger, when her mother was in Florida and had no clue what was going on.

if you haven't finished reading the book yet, i'm sorry i spoiled it for ya.

Anonymous said...

Why is Jacob and his dad trying to break up Bella an Edward?Is it because they hate vampires or because Jacob likes Bella and hes jealous of Bella going out with Edward?Or because they just care for her?

Anonymous said...

What were some characterization and imagary quotes for jealousy and suspition in chapters 21-24?

Anonymous said...

Only answer if finished with the book**

Since Edward and the rest of the Cullen's helped save Bella from James, how were they able to kill off James? I don't understand how they could possibly kill a vampire..

Anonymous said...


this is to christina's question.

in the book i think bella asks how u can kill a vampire, and edward was going to tell her but he doesnt. im not sure but i think he either told her or was about to tell her. its between the chapters 18 and 21.

hongyhenry7 said...

For those who finished the book, why wouldn't Edward make Bella a vampire so their love would be immortal?

Anonymous said...


What are some quotes for illusion and reality in chapters 18-21?

And to stephy I think Edward doesn't turn Bella into a vampire at the end because he doesnt want her to go through the hurt of seeing all of her friends die because they arent immortal. But I suggest to read New Moon because it may give more answers, seeing as its a follow up to twighlight.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have any good quotes for exploitation? Also, besides the obvious, is there any manipulation? I know that Bella manipulated Jacob to get the story but is there anything else thats under the surface?

Anonymous said...

Do any of you guys think that Edwarl eventually change Bella?

Anonymous said...

I mean eventually change bella

Anonymous said...


i dont think Edward will change Bella yet because he wants Bella to have a human life and he doesnt want Bella to let him get in the way of that. He wants her to stick to being a human but i think later on he might give in and make her become and vampire since she wants it so bad. for now though i think shes stuck being a human.

Anonymous said...


i dont think Edward will change Bella yet because he wants Bella to have a human life and he doesnt want Bella to let him get in the way of that. He wants her to stick to being a human but i think later on he might give in and make her become and vampire since she wants it so bad. for now though i think shes stuck being a human.

hongyhenry7 said...

To fifitavhenry2

Question: Does anyone have any good quotes for exploitation? Also, besides the obvious, is there any manipulation? I know that Bella manipulated Jacob to get the story but is there anything else thats under the surface?

Answer: Another example of manipulation could be when James calls Bella on the phone and pretends that he has Bella's mom. He knows that Bella cares so much for her mom that she'll do anything to save her. He manipulates her by lying to her about her mother, so Bella can meet him in the dance studio alone.

Anonymous said...


sorry if some of you havent finished yet, but...

i think it is so cute that edward takes bella to prom without her knowing it. i think he is trying to make sure that she still leads a human life eventhough all of that stuff withbeing biten and attacked by that guy happened. but i also feel bad for bella, because she got her hopes up that he was going to change her. i dont think he will though, b/c i dont think he would give in to bella that easily; especially if he knows it will literally change her life forever.

Anonymous said...

^i dont think that he will change bella**

Anonymous said...

For some reason, I do think that Edward could possibly change Bella. For one, I think its a key to the next couple of stories, but also because I think that he will eventually realize how badly Bella wants it.. and he too will want it as much as she does. Its only a matter of time for him to change her, and they will be together forever. It all seems worth it to me..

Anonymous said...


i agree with Dina. the other two books would seek kinda of pointless if he changes her so soon. but it could also show hows she learns to deal with it.however the last page in the epilogue makes me think that he does.

`bella: i love you more then everything else in the world combined.Isnt't that enough?
`edward:yes it is enough[..]enough for forever.

so yeah.

Anonymous said...

^just kidding. i dont know why i said dina.sorry christina:]

Anonymous said...

dmacedoherny3 In the novel Twilight there are many ways they show jealousy also Bella and outsider because she new and edward and outsiders because she is an vampire.Also she dosent like like in california she likes her old life in phoenix.

Anonymous said...

why cant bella keep on track why dose she like edward so much?

Anonymous said...


Bella cant keep on track because of the mutual attraction she and edward feel. and she is more attracted when this mysterious guy who seems untamable opens up to her and feels the same way she does.

Anonymous said...

Bella likes Edward so much because of the way he treats her, and how in the beginning of the book, he was really mysterious and i think thats what Bella found attractive.

Anonymous said...


i saw the actors for the twilight movie. im disapointed, edwared doesnt even seem as hot as he was in the book. i still think the guy from The Covenant should be Edward.

But anywho, I dont get who tried to kill Bella. I know it was one of the tracker guys right? but its something like james? i got lost in this part.

Anonymous said...


But anywho, I dont get who tried to kill Bella. I know it was one of the tracker guys right? but its something like james? i got lost in this part.

James was the vampire that tried to kill Bella.

Anonymous said...

in the novel twilight how dose edward show jealousy towardes bella

Anonymous said...


yeah James is another vampire that tried to kill Bella because shes human and her certain sent that seems to attract vampires.

Anonymous said...

To: dmacedoherny3

in the novel twilight how dose edward show jealousy towardes bella?

Edward is Jealous of Jacob Black talking to Bella during the prom.
Thats torwards the end of the book.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if its exactly jealousy that you would call it, but Edward starts acting completely different once James was introduced to Bella. He started acting more protective and aggressive when he realized James wanted Bella.

Anonymous said...


what do you guys think is the main symbol in twilight? i thought one of them might be bellas broken leg. like how broken bones can be fixed but they will never be the same again. i was thinking that bella being bitten by the tracker guy was "the bone being broken" and since that, she will constantly live with the memory of that and how edward saved her, making her look at life froma different perspective.

idk if that makes any sense, but yeah.

Anonymous said...


i agree with Lane, the actor they have trying for edwards part in the twilight movie, isnt as hot i thought he would be.

but, some one asked how you can kill a vampire.somwhere, i am not sure where, but somewhere one of the character explains thatd you would have to i think burn the body pieces of a grudgy vampire to kill one. i think thats why at the end of the book, they burn down the ballet studio because james' body was left in there.

Anonymous said...


do u think that one of them, bella or edward will leave each other in the following novels? or are they pretty much going to be together forever?

Anonymous said...


hey chelsea, i think that there always going to be together because edward is to attracted and cares about bella to much to let her dissapear. If they do break up he'll still keep an eye on her make sure she safe

Anonymous said...

what wrong with edward why wont he make a move on bella he know that she like him?

Anonymous said...

To: dmacedoherny3

what wrong with edward why wont he make a move on bella he know that she like him?

They are dating at the end and are going to stay together forever. You have to read New Moon to see what happens next.

Anonymous said...


edward couldnt make a move on bella so quick, because if he did from the beginning he would of freaked her out probaly.also because he might of not been able to control himself right away.

Anonymous said...


edward couldnt make a move because, eventhough she knew that she liked him, he couldnt get too clase because he didnt want to risk being "hungry" and yeah. he was doing it for her safety.

Anonymous said...


the novel, "Twilight", realates to real life because everyone one time or anouther is jelious of anouther person. In the novel it shows alot of jeliousy because of how she looks.

CapEnglish3-4 said...

This blog post is now closed for credit.

Anonymous said...

in the novel twilight there are many way that diction is showen i was wodering if bella ever showed diction and how?

Anonymous said...

in the novel twilight there are many way that diction is showen i was wodering if bella ever showed diction and how?